Department of Organization of Educational-Methodical Work

Department of Organization of Educational-Methodical Work

Department of organization of educational-methodical work carries out planning, organization, and control of educational-methodical work. Activity areas of the department include the organization and management of the educational process in accordance with the state educational standards, distribution of workload by departments in accordance with the curricula, implementation of current and annual accounting and reporting documentation related to the organization of educational work, learning best practices in the organization of methodical work, coordinating the activities of all structural units involved in the implementation and dissemination of educational standards and programs, etc. 

     The department of organization of educational-methodical work performs the following tasks in accordance with the directions of the department's activity:

  • To compile curricula and other documents in accordance with state educational standards;
  • Ensuring the preparation and approval of projects for the issuance of orders related to training and internships;
  • Calculate and approve the amount of workload of the departments;
  • To monitor the distribution of the workload carried out by the departments;
  • To keep records and distribution of the auditorium fund, to compile lesson schedules;
  • Development of curricula of subjects, development of textbooks and teaching materials in accordance with these programs;
  • Assist the preparation of documents for the organization of monitoring and examinations;
  • To organize activities related to the organization of educational and methodical work in cooperation with other structural units of the Academy.