Seminar was held for employees of customs organizations

Seminar was held for employees of customs organizations

The online seminar on the topic "Identifying counterfeit goods and distinguishing them from original goods" was held for the employees of the customs authorities.

At the seminar held by the international company "Schmitt & Orlov Intellectual Property" specializing in the field of intellectual property, Leyla Najafova, a specialist of the Additional Education Department of the Academy of the State Customs Committee participated along with 40 customs service employees of the relevant institutions of the State Customs Committee.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the seminar, Samad Garalov, the First Deputy Head of the General Department of Customs Control Organization and Trade Facilitation of the State Customs Committee, expressed his gratitude to the representatives of the international company "Schmitt & Orlov Intellectual Property" for conducting the training.

During the training, the representatives of the international company "Schmitt & Orlov Intellectual Property" demonstraed the special presentations based on the examples of international brands related to the protection of intellectual property rights, and the discussions on these issues were held with employees.

At the end of the event, the questions of the participants were answered in details by the trainers.