ASCCA students took part in the festival dedicated to the Youth Day

ASCCA students took part in the festival dedicated to the Youth Day

“Balakhani Youth Festival” was held on the occasion of February 2 - Azerbaijan National Youth Day. It was organized by Sabunchu District Executive Power, Baku City Youth and Sports Head Office and Sabunchu District Youth and Sports Department . The Academy of the State Customs Committee was also represented at the festival, which was held in Balakhani settlement of Sabunchu region with the participation of representatives of many organizations in the region.

An information stand about the Academy of the State Customs Committee was set up at the event.

Magazines and books reflecting the Academy's activities in the fields of education, science and socio-cultural spheres were demonstrated at the stand, and booklets were distributed to the participants.

The students of the academy gave detailed information about the higher education institution where they studied. The festival also featured songs, dances and small performances by young people of different ages. At the end of the event, a memory photo was taken with the festival participants.