National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary visits Customs Academy

National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary visits Customs Academy

Academy of the State Customs Committee held a meeting with the representatives of the National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary. The head of the Academy, Major-General of the Customs Service Gulu Novruzov, deputy heads of the Departments of International Relations of the National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary, Zsuzsa Kecskés and László Dósa, as well as employees of the State Customs Committee and the Academy attended the meeting.

The Head of the Academy, Novruzov welcomed the guests and talked about the activities of ASSCA and the existing relations between the two countries, and noted the importance of cooperation in the field of education.

The possibility of exchanging experience and implementing joint projects with the Academy was emphasized at the meeting.

A presentation on the activities of the Academy, achievements and priorities in the field of international cooperation, foreign higher education institutions and customs training structures, relations with other international institutions and projects was presented. 

In the end, the guests were informed about the conditions created at the Academy.