Memorandum of Understanding was signed between ASCCA and Bilasuvar Educational Complex

Memorandum of Understanding was signed between ASCCA and Bilasuvar Educational Complex

A Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation was signed between the Academy of the State Customs Committee (ASCCA) and the Bilasuvar Educational Complex, named after the National Hero of Azerbaijan, Mubariz Ibrahimov. The meeting was attended by the head of the Academy of the State Customs Committee, Major-General of the Customs Service Gulu Novruzov, Executive director of Bilasuvar Educational Complex Agshin Bagirov, employees of the academy, teachers and pupils of the complex.

The head of the academy, Customs Service Major-General Gulu Novruzov welcomed the guests and expressed his pleasure to see them at the higher educational institution he heads. Gulu Novruzov provided the guests with comprehensive information about the activities of the Academy of the State Customs Committee and talked about the prospects of cooperation between the two parties in areas of mutual interest.

Expressing his satisfaction at being at the Customs Academy, Executive Director Agshin Bagirov gave information about the Educational Complex, spoke about the significance of the joint activity of secondary educational institutions and higher educational institutions in the direction of training highly qualified young personnel, and stressed his confidence that the new memorandum to be signed will be successful in this regard.

After the discussions, the head of the Academy of the State Customs Committee, Gulu Novruzov, and the Executive Director of the Bilasuvar Educational Complex, Agshin Bagirov, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation.

The memorandum envisages organizing mutual trainings and education between the parties, conducting joint scientific research, providing support for the professional development of teachers, and other issues.

In the end, the guests got acquainted with the conditions created at the academy.