Event was held at the Customs Academy on the occasion of National Salvation Day

Event was held at the Customs Academy on the occasion of National Salvation Day

An event was held at the Academy of the State Customs Committee on the occasion of June 15, National Salvation Day. The management of the academy, the employees, and the students participated in the event.

The event began with a one-minute silence commemorating the dear memory of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives defending the independence and territorial integrity of our republic and the performance of the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Head of the Academy, Major General of the Customs Service, Gulu Novruzov, made an opening speech at the event and spoke about the historical significance of National Salvation Day and the exceptional contributions made by the National leader Heydar Aliyev in the establishment and strengthening of our independent state. G. Novruzov emphasized that Azerbaijan is currently experiencing its strongest and most powerful era in its history thanks to Mr. President Ilham Aliyev’s successful continuation of the political course set 30 years ago. He also noted that, the signing of the Shusha Declaration on June 15, when the Azerbaijani people celebrated the National Salvation Day, was one of the most significant events in the history of our country's independence. 

Then, at the event, students delivered their reports regarding the return of National Leader Heydar Aliyev to political power and his outstanding contributions to the establishment, strengthening, and development of our state.

At the end, a short video and an artistic composition dedicated to the National Salvation Day were displayed.