ASCCA commemorates Martyrs of the Patriotic War

ASCCA commemorates Martyrs of the Patriotic War

Academy of the State Customs Committee commemorated the martyrs on the occasion of September 27 - Memorial Day. The Academy's management, employees, students, families of martyrs and veterans took part in the event. 

On September 27 at 12:00, the dear memory of the martyrs of the Patriotic War, who sacrificed their lives for Azerbaijan's territorial integrity, was commemorated with a minute of silence throughout Azerbaijan as well as at the Academy of the State Customs Committee.

Speaking at the event, the head of the Academy of the State Customs Committee, the major general of the customs service, Gulu Novruzov, noted that the Victory won in the 44-day Patriotic War, which began three years ago on September 27, is one of the brightest pages in the history of Azerbaijan thanks to the bravery of the National Army under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev. Emphasizing that young people have a great responsibility in introducing the truths of Azerbaijan to the world, the head of the Academy noted that each of us is indebted to the holy spirit of our martyrs and spoke about the importance of passing on a history full of victories to future generations.

 Novruzov spoke about the anti-terrorist measures implemented by the Azerbaijani Army and the great victory achieved a few days ago, and wished mercy to all our martyrs who sacrificed their lives with courage and heroism in winning the historic victory, and he wished health to the veterans.

Speaking at the event ,the head of the  Department of Organization of Educational-Methodical Work , Islam Huseynov, gave a brief look at the history of the Azerbaijani people and said that this victory, won at the cost of the lives of our heroic sons, is the victory of the successful policy of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the mighty Azerbaijani army, as well as the economic development of the country. Huseynov advised the students to properly cope with their duties and mobilize all their strength in this direction for the sake of the development of our country.

Later, Matanat Guliyeva, the mother of the martyr, lieutenant colonel Rashad Guliyev,  and Igbal Safarov and Hamid Huseynzade, employees of the State Customs Committee who participated in the Patriotic War made speeches and spoke proudly about the glorious victory won by the Azerbaijan Army after 30 years, the sacrifice of our soldiers and officers, and the heroism they showed in battles.

The event continued with an artistic composition dedicated to the memory of our martyrs performed by students.