"Brand students" of ASCCA awarded

"Brand students" of ASCCA awarded

A meeting was held at the Academy of the State Customs Committee with representatives from the AzEdu.az Education Portal, including the executive director Tunzale Abbasova and the correspondent Sifaya Abbasli.

The meeting involved employees and students of the Academy, and it recognized students who were awarded the status of "Brand Student" through the joint efforts of AzEdu.az and ASCCA.

The event received high praise for promoting a healthy competitive environment among students and increasing their motivation. The awarded students were congratulated, and they shared their thoughts about the project during the interactive meeting.

At the end of the event, certificates were presented to 10 students who were selected based on specific criteria and were honored with the title of "Brand Student." The students from the Academy of the State Customs Committee who received the "Brand Student" status are as follows:

1. Seyidov Mirali Ikhtiyar – Law specialty, 3rd year

2. Asgarkhanov Ramazan Mahir oglu - Law specialty, 4th year

3. Bayramov Mahmud Khayyam- Law specialty, 4th year

4. Huseynzade Huseyn Nazim - International Trade and Logistics specialty, 4th year

5. Abasov Jalal Murad - International Trade and Logistics specialty, 4th year

6. Hajiyev Tavakkul Alakbar - Economics major, 4th year

7. Malikzade Shafa Ilham - Economics major, 4th year

8. Dashdemirova Farida Sayyaf - Information Security specialty, 3rd year

9. Salimli Aynur Elkhan- Information Security specialty, 4th year

10. Gurbanov Ali Murad- Information Technologies specialty, 3rd year