ASCCA hosted a programming competition as part of the “Hour of Code” project

ASCCA hosted a programming competition as part of the “Hour of Code” project

The Academy of the State Customs Committee (ASCCA) organized a programming competition as part of the "Hour of Code" project, in collaboration with the educational center "Coders Azerbaijan". The initiative included a briefing session for 15 student teams from the Academy, during which mentors provided support for a week.

The final competition, hosted at the Academy of the State Customs Committee, resulted in the "Byte Bandits" team emerging as the first-place winner by demonstrating exceptional proficiency in answering programming-related questions. As recognition for their achievement, the team received a training voucher from "Coders Azerbaijan".

At the event, Major General Gulu Novruzov, the head of the Academy, highlighted the importance of student engagement in such initiatives and expressed satisfaction with the effective partnership established with "Coders Azerbaijan".