An employee and a student of the Customs Academy participated in the student scientific conference held at the Azerbaijan Technical University

An employee and a student of the Customs Academy participated in the student scientific conference held at the Azerbaijan Technical University

A student scientific conference on the topic "COP Requirements: Climate Change and Resistance to Natural Disasters" was organized by the Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU), the Baku Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES), the Union of Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations (ASYOU) and the student youth organizations operating in higher education institutions. Along with other participants, the deputy head of the Academy of the State Customs Committee, Jamila Namazova, and the chairman of the Student Scientific Society of the Academy, Huseyn Huseynzadeh the 4th-year student majoring in the International trade and Logistics took part in the event.

The official opening ceremony of the scientific conference commenced with the performance of the national anthem and a minute's silence in memory of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the integrity and sovereignty of our country.

The opening speech at the event was delivered by Rector of AzTU, Professor Vilayat Valiyev, Head of the Baku Regional Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Major-General Maharram Hasanov, and the Chairman of ASYOU Parviz Miralamli.

They spoke about the prospects of such projects and emphasized that we are living in a historical period following the Victory won in the Patriotic War under the leadership of the Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev and the bravery of our glorious Army, as well as the importance of holding COP29 in Azerbaijan.

Then the event continued with speeches under the title "COP requirements"prepared by students representing 10 higher education institutions located in Baku.  

Along with other speakers at the event Huseyn Huseynzadeh, the student of the Academy, presented a report on ther topic "Transition to Renewable Energy Sources".

At the end, the young participants were awarded certificates for their contributions.