Next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Customs Academy was held

Next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Customs Academy was held

The next meeting of the Scientific Council took place at the Academy of the State Customs Committee. The agenda of the meeting included discussions on the results of the examination session for the autumn semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, the establishment of the Research and Development Center, the review of the textbooks and methodical resources presented by the departments, as well as reports on participation in trainings held in Italy and Belgium within the framework of the Erasmus+ project "Developing Research Capacity through Institutional Repository Network in Azerbaijan" (DIRNA) and the project "Cross-domain Competences for healthy and safe work activity in the 21st century" (Work4ce), along with other current issues.

The Head of the Academy, Chairman of the Scientific Council, Major General of the Customs Service Gulu Novruzov welcomed the participants and informed the council members about the issues included in the agenda of the meeting.

At the meeting, the head of the Monitoring and Evaluation Department, Abilkhan Isayev, provided the information on the results of the autumn semester exam session and presented the final indicators to the meeting participants.

Then, the teacher of the Academy, Safa Bakan, the head of the Department of Law and Humanities, Hakim Azizov, the coordinator of international cooperation and projects of the Academy, Elvin Mecidov, and the head of the Department of Customs Affairs and Management, Elvin Alirzayev, talked related the issues included in the agenda.

After the speeches, the Scientific Council members and the heads of the respective structures expressed their opinion on the agenda issues.

In the end, decisions were made regarding the discussed issues, and relevant tasks were assigned to the heads of the structures.