Event dedicated to May 28 - Independence Day was held at the Customs Academy

Event dedicated to May 28 - Independence Day was held at the Customs Academy

An event dedicated to May 28 – the Independence Day was held at the Academy of the State Customs Committee.

At the beginning of the event, the dear memory of our martyrs who died for the independence and territorial integrity of our republic was commemorated with a minute of silence and the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was performed.

At the event, the head of the Academy, the Customs Service Major-general Gulu Novruzov spoke about the establishment of an independent state of Azerbaijan in the challenging geopolitical conditions 106 years ago and congratulated the event participants on this significant day. In his speech, G. Novruzov noted that under the leadership of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, the continuity of our state has been ensured, as a result of the successful policy of President Ilham Aliyev, the sovereignty of our country has been fully restored at the cost of the lives of our heroic sons, and expressed his wishes for the continued prosperity and peace of the people of Azerbaijan.

The Deputy Head of the Academy, Jamila Namazova, at the event highlighted the historical significance of May 28 - Independence Day, which is engraved in golden letters in the history of our people's struggle for freedom and independence. C. Namazova emphasized that despite the existence of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic for only 23 months, the measures implemented during the period of the first republic were of great importance in terms of establishing the foundations of our independent statehood and determining the path of future development. In her speech, she especially emphasized the exceptional contributions of National Leader Heydar Aliyev to the modern development of our country during the period of independence.

 Samir Hasanov, a teacher of the Academy, Doctor of Philosophy in History, looked at the history of the establishment of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, the first democratic state, and talked about the achievements gained in a short period of time and the measures taken in the process of state building. The speaker mentioned that our nation is celebrating Independence Day more proudly, as a victorious nation. He also noted that the independent state of Azerbaijan, whose territorial integrity has been restored, is currently experiencing its strongest period in history as the successor of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.

Then, the second-year student of Law major, Amina Ahmadova, made a speech on the topic "Azerbaijan's Declaration of Independence".

After the speeches, a video dedicated to May 28 - Republic Day was demonstrated.

The event continued with the artistic activities.