ASCCA students in the final stage of the “Khamsa” intellectual competition

ASCCA students in the final stage of the “Khamsa” intellectual competition

The final stage of the "Khamsa" intellectual competition dedicated to the "Year of Shusha" was held, which was jointly organized by Intellectual Game Clubs under Student Youth Organizations of the Academy of the State Customs Committee, The Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku State University, and Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University. The competition was implemented with the support of the Sabail District Youth and Sports Department, the Baku Political Scientists Club and the "Prestige-S" Education Center.

The competition, which was held among 4 higher education institutions, aimed at the evaluation and development of the intellectual knowledge and competencies of the youth, included a total of 8 teams. "Continental" and "Polaris" teams represented the Academy of the State Customs Committee in the intense and ambitious competition.

At the end of the competition, the winning teams were awarded with cups, medals and certificates.